Thanks to the generous support of the Nippon Foundation and Fukushima Medical University, senior members of ICRP participated in dialogue meetings on the 6th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. The topic of this dialogue meeting, the sixteenth organised by or in cooperation with ICRP since the accident, was ‘sharing the current situations of local near the intermediate storage facilities in Futaba and Okuma Towns and surrounding areas’. The first twelve dialogue meetings were led by ICRP and organised in cooperation with many international, national, and local stakeholders. More recently, the dialogues have been organised locally, in cooperation with ICRP.
Claire Cousins (Chair), Jacques Lochard (Vice-Chair), Christopher Clement (Scientific Secretary), and Haruyuki Ogino (Assistant Scientific Secretary) met with local experts, officials, and citizens on March 11th and 12th, 2017. A field tour was conducted on Saturday March 11th in Futaba Town, followed by dialogue open to the public in Naraha Town on the 12th. Affected parties were given the opportunity to share their concerns, frustrations, and hopes for the future.
During their visit to Japan, Cousins, Lochard, Clement, and Ogino also had the pleasure of meeting with Nippon Foundation Chairman Yohei Sasakawa, Fukushima Medical University President Shinichi Kikuchi, Date City Mayor Shoji Nishida, CRIEPI President Masahiro Kakumu, RERF Chairman Ohtsura Niwa, and members of the Support Team for Residents Affected by Nuclear Incidents of the Japanese Cabinet Office.