Opportunities to Join ICRP Task Groups


When establishing new Task Groups, ICRP calls for expressions of interest for experts to complete the membership. Notices are posted here, normally for a period of about six weeks, and advertised through social media and news articles on the ICRP website.

Applications are accepted only through the Expression of Interest to Join an ICRP Task Group web portal, and only for currently open opportunites listed below. Applications require a CV using this template. The file name should be "[your family name].pdf". The CV must be in pdf format, in English, and not more than three (3) pages. Applications with CVs longer than two (2) pages will not be considered. (Current members of ICRP Committees 1, 2, 3, or 4 will not be asked to submit a CV.)

Task Group members should be familiar with the System of Radiological Protection developed by ICRP.

ICRP aims for Task Group membership to be geographically and experientially diverse.

The process is often quite competitive. All candidates will be informed of the outcome of their application within about one month of the submission deadline whether they are selected or not.

Note that successful candidates will be required to complete a conflict of interest declaration before their membership is confirmed.

Current Opportunities

Task Group 129 Ethics in the Practice of Radiological Protection 

is seeking members with practical and professional ethics, moral philosophy, ethics education and training, environmental ethics, and dilemmas surrounding application of the system of radiological protection. 



Task Group 128 Individualisation and Stratification in Radiological Protection: Implications and Areas of Application is seeking members with knowledge and expertise in one or more of the following areas: thorough knowledge of ICRP Publications 103 and 147 and the current system of protection; sound understanding of the scientific literature relating to individual radiation sensitivity and likely future advances; appreciation of the needs within the medical community when justifying and optimising procedures, and direct communication with patients; experience and expertise in communicating risk information to public and professional audiences; thorough understanding of current and likely future advances in dosimetry that may allow further refinement of doses to individuals; thorough understanding of current and likely future advances in risk assessment that may allow further refinement of risks to groups of individuals; sound knowledge of the ethical basis of the system of protection and ethics more broadly; expertise in radiation protection in relation to space travel; expertise in application of individualisation in areas of health protection outside of the radiation protection field


Task Group 127 Exposure Situations and Categories of Exposure is seeking 6 to 10 members with a strong knowledge of ICRP Publication 103 and with specific expertise in one or more of the following topics: emergency planning; existing exposure planning; management of RP of different types of planned activities; environmental protection and management; communication and dialogue with stakeholders; and development of radiological protection regulations and guidance.


Task Group 126 Radiological Protection in Human Biomedical Research is seeking 1-2 additional members with expertise in complementary fields of radiation related biomedical research. Specific expertise in radiology, nuclear medicine, oncology, neurology, radiation epidemiology, medical physics and ethics would be desirable. Administrators and regulators are also encouraged to apply.


Task Group 125 Ecosystem Services in Environmental Radiological Protection is seeking experts in: environmental radiological protection especially related to ecosystem services and/or sustainable development. Desirable expertise/experience in this context includes, but is not limited to: environmental dosimetry, environmental monitoring, natural resource management, remediation, ecological risk assessment, ecological restoration, waste management, life-cycle analysis, regulation, sustainable development, ethics, and environmental social science.


Task Group 124 Application of the Principle of Justification is seeking experts in: historical development of the Commission's System of Radiological Protection, experience in relevant exposure situations, ethics in radiological protection, and health, economic and societal valuation of benefit and harm.


Task Group 123 Classification of Harmful Radiation-induced Effects on Human Health for RP Purposes is seeking 6 to 8 new members with strong expertise in one or more of the following topics: radiobiology and more particularly mechanistic aspects of radiation induced pathologies; epidemiology of radiation induced pathologies; current classification of harmful radiation-induced effects on humans and its basis; and, the System of radiological protection and its scientific basis. Experience and/or publications directly related to the issue of classification of health effects will be appreciated. Availability and ability to be involved in the work of the TG will also be taken into account.


Task Group 122 Update of Detriment Calculation for Cancer is seeking 5 to 8 experts with specific expertise in radiation epidemiology, modelling and statistics, lifetime risk calculation, cancer registry, or assessment of consequences of cancer (disease burden, QALY, DALY or other approaches). Experience in the assessment of radiation-induced risks in support of the system of Radiological Protection would be desirable. Availability and ability to be involved in the work of the TG will be taken into account.


Task Group 121 Effects of Ionising Radiation Exposure in Offspring and Next Generations is seeking 1 or 2 experts with specific expertise in radiation genetics and epigenetics especially as it relates to human health effects in offspring and in transgenerational effects on biota. Expertise in population genetics and how genetic effects have been quantified and integrated into the system of RP in the past would be desirable.
