Formal Relations

ICRP maintains formal relations with other organisations with an interest in radiological protection through specific agreements, or by granting Special Liaison status to organisations whose work is relevant to ICRP's mandate. Organisations currently in formal relations with ICRP are shown below.

Working-Level Engagement

To maintain active engagement with organisations in formal relations with ICRP, specific sessions are arranged at each ICRP Symposium to discuss concrete and timely topics with representatives of these organisations. In addition, opportunities are provided for representatives of organisations in formal relations with ICRP to meet with ICRP Main Commission members to discuss progress in areas of cooperation and mutual interest.

Representatives from organisations in formal relations with ICRP may be invited to provide expertise in specific ICRP Committee sessions. Representatives may also be invited to participate as members of ICRP Task Groups where their expertise is central to the objectives of the group.

High-Level Engagement

In addition to ad-hoc bilateral interactions and other activities, ICRP holds annual meetings with senior representatives of all organisations in formal relations to discuss strategic questions relating to radiological protection at the international level. Open summaries are available for recent meetings: Virtual 2021 (coming soon), Paris 2019Stockholm 2018, Geneva 2017, Vienna 2016.

Applying for Special Liaison Organisation Status

Organisations are invited to apply for Special Liaison status by contacting ICRP Head of Stakeholder Engagement and Communications Kelsey Cloutier at Please provide relevant information about your organisation, and recommend who within your organisation would be the primary point of contact with ICRP.

Alternatively, we welcome discussions on entering into formal relations through other mechanisms, such as bi-lateral agreements.

ICRP maintains formal relations with the following organisations:

Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD)
Primary contact:  Ruth McBurney
European ALARA Network (EAN)
Primary contact:  Fernand Vermeersch
European Alliance for Medical Radiation Protection Research (EURAMED)
Primary contact:  Prof. François Paris
European Association of National Metrology Institutes (EURAMET)
Primary contact:  Dr Annette Röttger
European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM)
Primary contact:  Dr Jens Kurth
European Commission (EC)
Primary contact:  Stefan Mundigl
European Federation of Organisations For Medical Physics (EFOMP)
Primary contact:  Lorenzo Nicola Mazzoni
European Nuclear Installations Safety Standards Initiative (ENISS)
Primary contact:  Bernd Lorenz
European Platform on Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response and Recovery (NERIS)
Primary contact:  Olivier Isnard
European Radiation Dosimetry Group (EURADOS)
Primary contact:  Filip Vanhavere
European Radioecology Alliance (ALLIANCE)
Primary contact:  Rodolphe Gilbin
European Society of Radiology (ESR)
Primary contact:  Prof. Boris Brkljačić
European Training and Education in Radiation Protection Foundation (EUTERP)
Primary contact:  Julie Lucey
Heads of the European Radiological Protection Competent Authorities (HERCA)
Primary contact:  Jean-Luc Lachaume
Ibero American Forum of Radiological and Nuclear Regulatory Organisations (FORO)
Primary contact:  Sonia Fernández Moreno
IEC Electrical Equipment in Medical Practice (IEC/TC62)
Primary contact:  Wolfgang Baus
IEC Nuclear Instrumentation (IEC/TC45)
Primary contact:  Miroslav Voytchev
IndustriAll Global Union's International Network (INWUN)
Primary contact:  Robert Walker
Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE)
Primary contact:  Aleksandr Rakhuba
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
Primary contact:  Dr Evgenia Ostroumova
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Primary contact:  Miroslav Pinak ENG PhD
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)
Primary contact:  Dr Rodney Croft
International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU)
Primary contact:  Laura Atwell
International Labour Organisation (ILO)
Primary contact:  Shengli Niu
International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP)
Primary contact:  John Damilakis
International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA)
Primary contact:  Bernard Le-Guen
International Society of Radiographers & Radiological Technologists (ISRRT)
Primary contact:  Donna Newman
International Society of Radiology (ISR)
Primary contact:  Guy Frija
Multidisciplinary European Low Dose Initiative (MELODI)
Primary contact:  Andrzej Wojcik
National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP)
Primary contact:  Kathy Higley
OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)
Primary contact:  George Vardulakis
Social Sciences and Humanities in Ionising Radiation Research (SHARE)
Primary contact:  Susan Molyneux-Hodgson
United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR)
Primary contact:  Borislava Batandjieva-Metcalf
World Health Organisation (WHO)
Primary contact:  Dr Emilie van Deventer
World Nuclear Association (WNA)
Primary contact:  Sama Bilbao y Leon