Japanese Ministry of the Environment Launches an Online Tool for Understanding Radiation


Since the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant on 11 March 2011, reconstruction and recovery have been steadily progressing over time.  As part of this recovery, the Japanese Ministry of the Environment has prepared an online tool that better explains the health effects of radiation and radiation exposure.

The Ministry of the Environment worked with various relevant agencies and studies to provide this basic information in an easy-to-use and understand reference so that members of the general public can get a better understanding of radiation as a whole.  This tool features about 350 topics including, but not limited to things such as; is radiation something to be feared?; what measures have been taken since the accident?; and what is the current situation like in Fukushima and Japan as a whole?

For ease, this online tool is broken down to one topic per page, ensuring a clear and concise opportunity for the reader to learn about the topics that are most applicable to them.  In addition, a glossary has been added so all readers may find simple definitions or better explanations on terms that may be unclear.

Whether in Japan, or anywhere around the world, this is a wonderful opportunity to better understand many aspects of radiological protection.  Interested persons, agencies, organisations, and governments can find the tool here.  An online flyer prividing an overview of the tool is also available.

For further information and inquiries, please contact Kelsey Cloutier, ICRP’s Development and Communications Manager.