ICRP Main Commission Meeting

2002 October 17-19 – Albuquerque NM, USA

The Main Commission (MC) met in Albuquerque, New Mexico from October 17-19 2002.

The MC discussed and agreed that the radiation weighting factors for protons and perhaps for neutrons need to be changed. Final discussion of this would take place when TG 37 on RBE is available.

The MC received a report on the status of protection of non-human species. This prompted a discussion regarding the current role of ICRP in setting radiation protection policies for the non-human factor. It was noted that there was strong support for introducing policies regarding environmental protection, not just non-human organisms, especially with regards to waste storage and areas where humans aren’t present.

The MC heard reports from Committees 1-4 and made the following observations and approvals for the associated Committee:

C1: Progress on research related to radiation weighting factors for neutrons and photons for the 2005 Recommendation report was presented to the commission.
C2: Voxel phantoms are under way within DOCAL. Weighting factors developed with C1 are to be used to determine risk of stem cells in bone for tumor induction.
C3: Some manufacturers have incorporated proposals from Publication 87, one of which is to include a child button to customise dose.

The MC discussed matters related to the 2005 publication. Topics ranged from discussion of average background dose (1 vs 2.4 mSv), inclusion of radon into average background dose, simplification of weighting factors, and radiation protection in radiotherapy.

The MC approved the following TGs:
• Prevention of HDR brachytherapy accidents
• Training & authorisation for users of medical radiation
• Release of patients after therapy with permanently planted sources
• Radiopharmaceuticals

The MC was reminded to request its members to submit tentative nominations to the Scientific Secretary for the Gold Medal for Radiation Protection.

The MC confirmed the locations and times for the following meetings:
• 2003 MC meeting in Vienna, Austria
• 2003 joint meeting with the Committees will take place in Argentina