ICRP Main Commission Meeting

1991 August 5-8 Vienna, Austria

The Chairman referred to constructive collaborative talks between ICRP and ICRU. Future representatives from ICRP will attend ICRU meetings.

The received and adopted the following reports given that the minor edits discussed were made:

• Biological Basis for Dose Limitation to the Skin
• Age-dependent Doses to Members, of the Public from Intakes of Radionuclides, Part 2

The report Human Respiratory Tract Models for Radiological Protection was submitted to the Commission for consideration. Suggested changes to the report, specifically with regards to the number of cells at risk in the airway epithelium and dose weighting factor to different areas of the lung were discussed. Dr. W J Bair (the author of the report) will use the dosimetric model to obtain risks per unit dose for uranium miners. Approval for next submission to the Commission will be made by Committee 2.

Progress and future plans for the Committees was discussed. Some of the topics that were considered are as follows:

• New Task Groups concerning Data for use in radiation protection against external radiation and selected data for tissue dose in revision of Publication 30.
• Membership of Task Group on Dose Calculations and Revision of ICRP Publication 53 were extended.
• Working parties were created for providing reports on criteria for radiation protection programs for nuclear medicine patients, outline of program of work for optimising protection of patient in diagnostic therapy, terms of reference on medical exposure, and finally to clarify position on limits for workers in uranium mines.

A detailed report of the proceedings can be found in the minutes of the respective Committees: ICRP/91/V:Cl-16, ICRP/91/VC2-09, ICRP/91/V:C3-01 and ICRP/91/C4V-01 (Rev 2).

The Commission agreed to meet with Pergamon Press to discuss ways to improve circulation of ICRP publications.

The next meeting of the Commission will be held in New Mexico from 2-6 November 1992.

The next meeting of the Commission and its Committees is planned for October 1993 in Oxford.