ICRP Main Commission Meeting

1986 April 20-24 Vienna, Austria

Professor A M Kellerer and Dr. R.H. Thomas agreed to represent ICRP on different ICRU committees. Other matters including re-establishing regular contact with ICRU and other organisations were discussed at this meeting.

The Commission considered the following reports and gave recommendations to improve the report with certain reports approved for final publication.

• Developmental Effects of Irradiation on the Brain of the Embryo and Fetus
• The Metabolism of Plutonium and Related Elements (Adopted for Publication)
• Radiation Dose to Patients from Radiopharmaceuticals
• Lung Cancer Risk from Environmental Exposures to Radon Daughters

The Commission discussed financial matters including publishing of older publications at reduced price, paying tax on interest, and publications in other languages. The Commission agreed to pursue registering as a charity in the UK and becoming its own publisher.

The Commission decided to make the position of Scientific Secretary as a full-time position alongside increasing the responsibilities of the office to advertising of publications and coordination with ICRP TGs.

The Commission approved of revised TG and Committee report development procedures and structure.

The Commission agreed to make no statement regarding Exposure at Radon Spas and instead asked C4 to continue to make an appraisal of incidental or deliberate exposures to radon, its daughters, and other radioactive substances.

Mr. Munster presented to the Commission a list of items that should be revised in the Basic Recommendations of the Commission. Some of the items were related to effective dose and equivalent dose themed topics. The Commission agreed that the Scientific Secretary should use these guidelines.

The Commission received a report from Prof. Liniecki on Estimates of Radiation Dose from Mammography. Several decisions were made on this topic, including agreeing that that manufacturers should provide relationships between exposures free in air and radiation doses to a defined reference phantom breast.

The Chairman expressed regret for Dr. Thorne having to retire as Scientific Secretary due to personal reasons.

The next meeting of the Commission was agreed to take place in Washington, USA March 1987.