ICRP Main Commission Meeting

1965 September 13-17 Fiuggi, Italy

At this meeting, a significant amount of time was spent discussing and deciding upon procedures related to the election of new Committee/Commission members. Following the establishment of new procedures and clarifications of old rules, the election was held.

The proposal for Dr. Newcombe to become Chairman of Committee 1 was adopted unanimously.

A list of the new Commission and Committees 1-4 is presented in ICRP/65/MC-41.

The Commission adopted the report on Environmental Monitoring for publication.

The report on The Evaluation of Internal Doses was reviewed by the Commission and it was agreed that it was to be reviewed by Committee 4 again and once the discussed edits were made, it would be sent to the Commission for adoption by mail ballot. Several issues with this report were discussed, the largest being a lack of explanation for maximum values obtained by using data from ICRP Publication 2 and values found within the current report. Additional clarity on this matter was requested.

The Commission was presented future plans regarding the work of Committees 1-4 and made the following decisions:

C1 – The Commission agreed to allow Dr. Newcombe a wide choice in the selection of his proposals.
C3- Authorisation was also given to Dr. Lindell to invite Dr. F. Brown to prepare background paper on Protection of the Patient.

Considerable input was received from the Commission regarding the reports of a work currently in progress by the Committees. Discussion was centered around clarifying information within the reports, editing for readability and coming to meaningful conclusions.

The Commission adopted the report on The Evaluation of Risks for publication.

The Commission created TGs for the following reports: Monitoring of the Working Environment, Personnel Monitoring, and Emergency and Accidental Exposures.

The Commission approved the adoption of the 1965 Report in principle, subject to amendments agreed in the meeting. This report will be circulated to all members of the Commission including retired members.

Following the election of the new Commission, authority for check signing was given to selected members and the date of the next Commission meeting was set for 1967.