ICRP Main Commission Meeting

1964 January 27-31 London, UK

Professor Sievert announced his retirement from the Commission via letter. The Commission agreed to appoint Sievert as Emeritus-Chairman and voted on possible candidates for replacement.

The Commission discussed and came to agreement on several internal policies of ICRP. They are as follows:
  • Proposals for tasks, TG creation, timelines for tasks, and reports would continue to originate from Committees.
  • The Commission is free to accept or reject recommendations of TGs or Committees.
The Commission received work updates from the Sub-Committees and made the following decisions:

C1 – The Commission received proposals for TG creation and membership thereof which were accepted. The descriptions for the tasks on Biological Effects of High Energy Radiations and Effect of Non-uniformity of Dose were approved.
C2 - The Commission approved the task and TG for Standard Man and Lung Dynamics.
C3 – The Commission approved the creation of TGs for Revision of C3 Report and Protection for Industry and Research.
C4 – The Commission approved the creation of TGs on Interpretation of the Commission’s Recommendations and Monitoring of Personnel for Internal Radiation.

In order to improve income, the Commission gave the Chairman the authority to negotiate a contract with a publisher to improve sales of publications and associated profits.

The Commission decided to circulate Report of C1 amongst the entirety of ICRP to stimulate discussion.

The Commission discussed several topics proposed by C2 regarding their work regarding dose and the human body. The Commission decided that irradiation of formed red blood cells is of little consequence. Additionally, it was decided not to make any change regarding present practice of dose integration.

The Commission adopted the procedure C2 used in the report “Exposure of Several Organs” for its next report.

The main subject at this meeting was the Commission’s next report. Content of the report was discussed extensively which included risk, acceptable risk, dose limits, and categories of occupationally exposed people. The Commission decided that the report was not urgent and would therefore be open to reception of additional ideas to the report.