ICRP Main Commission Meeting

1958 July 16, 23, 25, 28 Munich, Germany

The issue of the Commission becoming a self-perpetuating body was discussed. The Commission asked the Scientific Secretary to propose amendments to existing rules to avoid this situation.

The Commission decided to publish a statement on the topic of revised set of ICRP Recommendations through Pergamon Press and scientific papers.

RBE-Values were discussed and the following decisions were made: Include a statement indicating that each Committee report are consistent with those published in 1954, include Table B1 from the 1953/54 Recommendations in the Committee IV report, and finally to establish a special ad hoc Committee on RBE.

Lens of the Eye as Critical Organ – Paragraph 47 was left intact and new paragraph 51 was added to require eye shields for beta rays of energy higher than 2.5 MeV.

MPC for Bone-seekers – Current scheme was retained until more information is available.

Exposure of Pregnant Women – A statement was made public by the Commission that contained the following information: Pregnant women present a special risk problem in case of occupational exposure, and any special recommendations for pregnant women must logically apply to all women of reproductive age.

Clarification of Paragraph 68 items – Several minor edits were made to enhance readability and add further specificity.

The Commission decided to explain exemption of ‘medical exposure’ in paragraph 46 due to widespread mis-interpretation.

It was decided that future ICRP publications should be given a running number ‘ICRP Publication xx’.

Adjustments were made to the reading of the paragraph on page 2 of ICRP Recommendations 1958 to include lenses of the eyes within the dose limits. Other smaller edits were made to the document as well. The amendments made will be embodied in the text first in the next revision of the 1958 Recommendations.

The Commission approved a statement on Reduction of Medical Exposure that dealt with establishing objectives for protection in medical procedures, and medical exposure is excluded from maximum permissible dose of those occupationally exposed.