Main Commission Meeting Cape Town 1998


The Main Commission met in Cape Town, South Africa from April 27-30, 1998.

ICRP reserved the web address for creation of a future ICRP website. Visitor to the site initially see an under construction message as no content for the site has been developed.

The Scientific Secretary announces that the continued work of incorporating CD-ROM technology into ICRP publications. The hope is to eventually store all ICRP data tables on CD-ROMs.

The revised History and Policies of the Commission written by Bo Lindell and John Dunster is approved by the Main Commission via postal ballot. The document is to be published as a standalone edition separate from the Annals of the ICRP. However, the document title is still intended to utilise the ICRP logotype and general graphical profile. Unfortunately, only around 1000 copies of the document are printed and as a result at present date they remain relatively rare.