Main Commission Meeting Buenos Aires 2003


The Main Commission and its committees met in Buenos Aires, Argentina from November 7th-9th 2003.

The Commission approved for website consultation a report on Doses to the Infant from Radionuclides Ingested in Mother’s Milk. Topics discussed in the report include fetal infant doses that could result from a terrorist attack. Also discussed in the report is whether external doses could be of importance for any nuclides. The full report can be found in ICRP Publication 95.

Also approved for publication is a report on Dose Management in Digital Radiology. The reports summarized recommendations to industry and hospitals among others. The report emphasises training as a first requirement in dose management as it can be implemented immediately. The report can be found in ICRP Publication 93.

The Commission sets up a fifth Committee on Protection of non-human species. The Committee is to have a limited life-span of 1-2 terms. However, in later meetings the fifth Committee evolves into a permanent ICRP Committee primarily focused on the radiological protection of the environment.

Also discussed at great length during the meeting were the 2005 Recommendations of the ICRP. Subjects to emphasise in the recommendations include radiological protection education and training.